Who is Working With Democrats to Elect Dustin Burrows As Speaker?
Republicans have nominated David Cook as the next Speaker of the Texas House but a liberal Republican, Dustin Burrows, is trying to steal the election with Democrat votes.

If the RINOs cut this deal, they will give liberal Democrats committee chairmanships. They will also give them power to kill conservative legislation supported by the Republican Party of Texas.
Where does your Representative stand on the most important decision they will make this year? Find out below:
Dustin Burrows Supporters – 31
District | Representative | Phone | Website | X |
4 | Keith Bell | (512) 463-0458 | https://www.bellfortexas.com/ | |
24 | Greg Bonnen | (512) 463-0729 | https://www.drgregbonnen.com | https://x.com/DrGregBonnen |
54 | Brad Buckley | (512) 463-0684 | https://www.buckleyfortexas.com/ | https://x.com/BradBuckleyDVM |
83 | Dustin Burrows | (512) 463-0542 | https://www.burrows4tx.com/ | https://x.com/Burrows4TX |
112 | Angie Chen Button | (512) 463-0486 | https://www.angiebutton.com/ | https://x.com/AngieChenButton |
98 | Giovanni Capriglione | (512) 463-0690 | https://votegiovanni.com | https://x.com/VoteGiovanni |
72 | Drew Darby | (512) 463-0331 | https://drewdarby.com/ | https://x.com/DrewDarbyTX |
7 | Jay Dean | (512) 463-0750 | https://www.jaydeanfortexas.com | |
28 | Gary Gates | (512) 463-0657 | https://www.gatesfortexas.com | https://x.com/GatesforTexas |
17 | Stan Gerdes | (512) 463-0682 | https://stangerdes.com/ | https://x.com/StanGerdesforTX |
99 | Charlie Geren | (512) 463-0610 | https://www.charliegeren.com/ | https://x.com/charliegeren |
31 | Ryan Guillen | (512) 463-0416 | https://www.ryanguillen.com | https://x.com/RyanGuillen |
8 | Cody Harris | (512) 463-0730 | https://www.codyfortexas.com | https://x.com/CodyforTexas |
5 | Cole Hefner | (512) 463-0271 | https://www.colehefner.com/ | https://x.com/ColeHefnerTX |
138 | Lacey Hull | (512) 463-0727 | https://www.laceyhull.com/ | https://x.com/LaceyHullTx |
32 | Todd Hunter | (512) 463-0672 | https://www.electtoddhunter.com/ | https://x.com/toddahunter |
88 | Ken King | (512) 463-0736 | https://www.kingfortexas.com | https://x.com/KingForTexas |
85 | Stan Kitzman | (512) 463-0604 | https://kitzmanfortexas.com | https://x.com/StanKitzmanTX |
71 | Stan Lambert | (512) 463-0718 | http://www.texansforstan.com/ | https://x.com/RepStanLambert |
81 | Brooks Landgraf | (512) 463-0546 | https://www.brookslandgraf.com/ | https://x.com/BrooksLandgraf |
67 | Jeff Leach | (512) 463-0544 | https://jeffleach.com | https://x.com/leachfortexas |
97 | John McQueeney | (817) 564-8301 | https://mcqueeneyfortexas.com | https://x.com/JohnMcQueeneyTX |
16 | Will Metcalf | (512) 463-0726 | https://www.willmetcalf.com | https://x.com/willmetcalfTX |
108 | Morgan Meyer | (512) 463-0367 | https://morganmeyerfortexas.com/ | https://x.com/MorganMeyerTX |
13 | Angelia Orr | (512) 463-0600 | https://www.angeliaorr.com/ | https://x.com/AngeliaOrrForTX |
106 | Jared Patterson | (512) 463-0694 | https://jaredpatterson.net/ | https://x.com/JaredLPatterson |
21 | Dade Phelan | (512) 463-1000 | https://www.texansfordade.com/ | https://x.com/DadePhelan |
84 | Carl Tepper | (512) 463-0602 | https://tepperfortexas.com/ | https://x.com/CarlTepper |
1 | Gary VanDeaver | (512) 463-0370 | https://garyvandeaver.com/ | https://x.com/GaryVanDeaver |
20 | Terry Wilson | (512) 463-0309 | https://www.terrywilsonfortexas.com | https://x.com/TerryWilsonTX |
34 | Denise Villalobos | https://denisevillalobos.com | https://x.com/DeniseForTXHD34 |
David Cook Supporters – 57
Representative | Phone | Website | X |
David Cook | (512) 463-0374 | https://www.davidcookfortexas.com/ | https://x.com/DavidCookTexas |
Daniel Alders | https://danielalders.com/ | https://x.com/DanielAldersTX | |
Trent Ashby | (512) 463-0508 | https://www.trentashby.com | https://x.com/TrentAshbyTX |
Jeff Barry | https://www.votejeffbarry.com/ | https://x.com/JeffBarryforTX | |
Cecil Bell | (512) 463-0650 | https://cecilbelljr.org | https://x.com/CBellJr |
Ben Bumgarner | (512) 463-0688 | https://votebumgarner.com | https://x.com/Bumgarner4HD63 |
Briscoe Cain | (512) 463-0733 | https://briscoecain.com/ | https://x.com/BriscoeCain |
Tom Craddick | (512) 463-0500 | ||
Charles Cunningham | (512) 463-0520 | https://www.charlescunninghamtx.com/ | https://x.com/CharlesTX127 |
Pat Curry | https://patcurry.com/ | https://x.com/PatrickJCurry1 | |
Mano DeAyala | (512) 463-0514 | https://manoforstaterep.com/ | https://x.com/ManoForStateRep |
Mark Dorazio | (512) 463-0646 | https://www.markdorazio.com | https://x.com/DorazioforTexas |
Paul Dyson | https://dysonfortexas.com | https://x.com/PaulDysonTX | |
Caroline Fairly | https://www.fairlyfortexas.com/ | https://x.com/FairlyForTexas | |
James Frank | (512) 463-0534 | https://votejamesfrank.com/ | https://x.com/RepJamesFrank |
Caroline Harris Davila | (512) 463-0670 | https://carolinefortexas.com | https://x.com/CarolineForTX |
Sam Harless | (512) 463-0496 | https://www.samharless126.com | https://x.com/SamHarless126 |
Brian Harrison | (512) 463-0516 | https://www.texansforbrianharrison.com | https://x.com/brianeharrison |
Richard Hayes | (512) 463-0556 | https://hayesforhouse57.com | https://x.com/Hayes4TXHouse |
Hillary Hickland | https://hillaryhickland.com | https://x.com/HicklandHillary | |
Janis Holt | https://holtfortexas.com | https://x.com/JanisHolt59 | |
Andy Hopper | https://hopper4texas.com/ | https://x.com/AndyHopperTX | |
Carrie Isaac | (512) 463-0325 | https://www.isaacfortexas.com | https://x.com/CarrieIsaac |
Helen Kerwin | https://www.helenkerwin.com/ | https://x.com/HelenKerwin4TX | |
Marc LaHood | https://marclahood.com/ | https://x.com/LaHood4Texas | |
Terri Leo-Wilson | (512) 463-0502 | https://terrifortexas.com | https://x.com/TerriLeoWilson |
Mitch Little | https://mitchlittlefortexas.com | https://x.com/realmitchlittle | |
Janie Lopez | (512) 463-0606 | https://www.janielopez.com | https://x.com/JanieLopezForTX |
A.J. Louderback | https://ajlouderback.com | https://x.com/LouderbackAj | |
David Lowe | https://www.davidlowefortexas.com/ | https://x.com/DavidLowe4Texas | |
J.M. Lozano | (512) 463-0463 | https://www.lozanofortexas.com | https://x.com/RepJMLozano |
John Lujan | (512) 463-0781 | https://www.votelujan.com | https://x.com/LujanForTX |
Shelley Luther | https://luther4texas.com | https://x.com/ShelleyLuther | |
Don McLaughlin | https://donfortexas.com | ||
Brent Money | https://www.brentmoney.com | https://x.com/brentmoney | |
Matt Morgan | https://www.morganfortexas.com | https://x.com/morgan4texas | |
Candy Noble | (512) 463-0186 | https://votecandynoble.com | https://x.com/CandyNobleHD89 |
Mike Olcott | https://mikeolcott.com | https://x.com/olcott4texas | |
Tom Oliverson | (512) 463-0661 | https://www.tomoliverson.com/ | https://x.com/TomOliverson |
Dennis Paul | (512) 463-0734 | http://dennispaul.com | https://x.com/DennisPaul129 |
Katrina Pierson | https://katrinafortexas.com/ | https://x.com/KatrinaPierson | |
Keresa Richardson | https://keresafortexas.com/ | https://x.com/KeresaForTexas | |
Nate Schatzline | (512) 463-0562 | https://www.natefortexas.com | https://x.com/NateSchatzline |
Mike Schofield | (512) 463-0528 | https://www.mikeschofield.com/ | https://x.com/RepSchofield |
Alan Schoolcraft | https://schoolcraft4texas.com/ | https://x.com/Schoolcraft4TX | |
Matt Shaheen | (512) 463-0594 | https://x.com/MattShaheen | |
Joanne Shofner | https://joannefortexans.com/ | https://x.com/joannefortexans | |
Shelby Slawson | (512) 463-0628 | https://shelbyslawson.com/ | https://x.com/ShelbySlawson |
John Smithee | (512) 463-0702 | https://www.votejohnsmithee.com/ | |
David Spiller | (512) 463-0526 | https://www.spillerfortexas.com | https://x.com/DavidSpillerTX |
Valoree Swanson | (512) 463-0572 | https://www.valoreeswanson.com | https://x.com/ValoreeforTexas |
Tony Tinderholt | (512) 463-0624 | https://tonytinderholt.com | https://x.com/reptinderholt |
Steve Toth | (512) 463-0797 | https://stevetothfortexas.com | https://x.com/Toth_4_Texas |
Ellen Troxclair | (512) 463-0490 | https://www.troxclairfortexas.com | https://x.com/EllenTroxclair |
Cody Vasut | (512) 463-0564 | https://www.votevasut.com | https://x.com/cvasut |
Wes Virdell | https://virdellfortexas.com/ | https://x.com/wesvirdelltx | |
Trey Wharton | https://whartonfortexas.com/ | https://x.com/WhartonForTexas |
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